Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Brain Trust: Janice Shaw Crouse

Janice Shaw Crouse, columnist, senior fellow for the Beverly LaHaye Institute, and former Bush speechwriter, shares her perspective on various national and international issues.

Will the recent attack in Afghanistan that resulted in 30 American deaths affect popular support for the war in Afghanistan?
I don't think so.

It breaks my heart every time I see the pictures of those guys.

There has been widespread rioting all across England. Do you see something like that happening in America if the economy continues to spiral downward?
I really do.

It's quite scary, I think, because we have a whole generation of young people....born out of wedlock.

Those children have very predictable risks. One of those risks is deep-seated anger.

I think there's a whole cadre of young men in particular...that are very scary to the population in general.

I pray that doesn't happen, but I think it's a very real possibility.

That kind of thing is not unheard of here. We've had riots in Philadelphia recently.

We certainly had our share of it here, and I fear for the future if we don't clean up our act here.

On Saturday, Rick Perry will likely be announcing, at least unofficially, his candidacy for the presidency on Saturday. How will this affect the race?
Well, I think it changes it very dramatically.

Here's a man who's said publicly that he felt called to preach.

I think that Christians across the country will feel a real sense of pride and a real sense of relief and sighing when they see a man like that throw his hat into the ring.

He may not be the person, but he certainly embodies the characteristics of the men who've led this country with a strong leadership core.

I think he stands in that tradition, and I think most people would be very happy to throw his hat in the ring.
That even on Saturday at Reliant stadium. Does that help Perry or hurt him, with with establishment Republicans?
They are laughing at him and making fun, and outraged at the same time.

They don't understand the power of prayer...they don't understand that this is a strong part of our nation's history.

I think they are the ones who are out of step.

The Ames straw poll will be held Saturday as well. Who's going to win, and will it matter?
It won't matter at all.

I think Michele Bachmann has a good chance. After the Newsweek cover that made her look crazy, I think there will be a backlash against that.

Gallup pegs Obama's approval rating at 40%. Can the president win in 2012, if that rating doesn't improve?
Definitely not.

However, he's capable of pulling some pretty underhanded things.

And he has the Chicago mafia behind, so you can never say never.

He stubbed his toe pretty stupendously over the last couple of things.

He can't blame anybody but himself.

People in his own party are comparing him to Jimmy Carter at this point.

It will take some pretty miraculous things to turn it around.

When people in your own party start saying "we need someone to run against this guy," you have problems.
He's losing support among liberals, too.
Now suddenly no one's cheering.

It's amazing to me to see how quickly he has fallen. And how quickly he has lost the support of the Left.


  1. It sounds as if Ms. Crouse endorses Rick Perry's possible run for the WH. I think Ms. Crouse needs to research Rick Perry before advocating his run. I am a Texan and have watched him try to sell off Texas with the TTC, threatening Texans with emminent domain, just to name one of his "biggies". And don't be fooled, the TTC is still on the table (assuming different names until it happens) to open Texas up to move China's goods from Mexico. Check Rick Perry's history out.

  2. I second that opinion Laurie. As a fellow Texan, Rick Perry is a politician out only for himself and to gain power. And he's willing to sell or do anything to get it. The Texas miracle has been bought on the backs of the middle class and thru the creation of mostly low wage jobs. And remember, Rick Perry mandated the HPV vaccination for girls, can you see government mandated healthcare to benefit a specific drug company?
