Thursday, September 8, 2011

Brain Trust - Fred Jackson

Fred Jackson serves as the News Director for American Family Network. He came on The Matt Friedeman Show to discuss last night's Republican debate. Below are the "CliffsNotes" of his segment.

It doesn't look like the debate changed the race much.
I don't think there's any question about that.

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney stood next to each other on the stage last night, and looking at all the reports this morning, everyone is saying the same thing. The reality is that at least for the next several weeks, this is a showdown between Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

Last night, everybody wanted to hear what they had to say.

At one point, Michelle Bachmann didn't speak for twenty minutes.

Everybody was listening to Romney and Perry.

Is that fair?
I think at this stage, you want to hold on as candidates.
 At some point, you have to decide when it stops being worth it, monetarily speaking, to stay in the race.
Like Tim Pawlenty said, "It just wasn't worth the investment anymore."

It is possible that Perry or Romney would have a fatal political fall that would allow someone else to rise to the surface.

The mood of Republicans right now is that they're looking for a governor.

Right now, I would say that the polls are showing that conservative Republicans are saying, "We believe Rick Perry is the guy that can beat Barack Obama."

Talk to me about the civility, or lack thereof, in the political arena.
We can't say on the air what Jimmy Hoffa said about the Tea Party.

He basically said, "Take them out."

The White House has said nothing about this kind of language.

On and on this is going. You'll remember when Congresswoman Giffords was shot, the first thing that was said was that conservative talk shows were to blame for the shooting.

The White House is not showing leadership in this issue.

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