Thursday, October 6, 2011

Brain Trust - Phil Bryant

Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant came on The Matt Friedeman Show to discuss the economy and the Mississippi voter initiatives. Below are the "CliffsNotes" of his segment.

What is the mood of voters right now?
It differs. Of course, jobs are the number one concern. As I talk to people, I see tears in their eyes as they say, "I'm about to lose my job."

This economy is on everyone's mind.
How difficult is it to work with this economy?
We've done a remarkable job in the last ten years. We've brought up the average income for a family by 30%. That makes a huge difference.

The Obama administration appears to be deliberately trying to collapse the free-market system. It's hard to explain ObamaCare any other way.

Mississippi is doing better than most states. We're rated 9th in the nation for manufacturing. We're number one in investing in oil and gas.

Realistically, Mississippi is doing better than a lot of other states. But even with all of that, it suppresses people's willingness to get out and vote.

They feel like the government isn't listening to them.
Tell us about the initiatives on the Mississippi ballot.
Of course, there is the pro-life initiative, the Personhood Amendment. We have got to speak up for the unborn. You're going to hear a lot of arguments from the pro-abortion crowd and Planned Parenthood.

Then there's a property rights issue, eminent domain, whether the government can take your land away and give it to someone else simply because they can pay more taxes.

Then there's a voter ID initiative, that says simply when I go into the voter box to cast my vote, I have to show my identification. That will add security to our vote.

It's critical to pass all three of these.

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