Thursday, August 25, 2011

Brain Trust - Matt Barber

Matt Barber serves as the Director of Cultural Affairs with the Liberty Counsel and is the Associate Dean of Liberty University School of Law. Below are the CliffsNotes of his segment.

Talk to us about this Orlando teacher situation
Jerry Buell, who has been a long-time teacher in Florida, was suspended because he posted on his personal Facebook page his opposition to same-sex marriage. He used some strong language, and was very clear in his opinion, and so the school suspended him.

That's a big no-no. We have a little thing here in the US called the First Amendment. This is one of the grossest violations that I've seen.

How have morals become so unpopular?
The agents of tolerance and diversity define tolerance and diversity.
Tolerance for Christianity and Judeo-Christian values is cast by the wayside.
 Tolerance for moral relativism. Tolerance for perversion. Anything that flies in the face of what God's will is for us human beings, that's what they want to tolerate.

Tell us about the approval ratings recently.
We had a little earthquake here in Virginia, and my understanding was that it was Barack Obama's plummeting approval points that caused it.

As Obama heads the wrong direction in, Rick Perry seems to be going up.

The way that the Obama administration has Perry in the cross hairs, it seems that they are worried about the potential run against him.

Is Perry more than the "flavor of the month"?
That remains to be seen. We are a long way out. There are ebbs and flows and peaks and valleys.

You may recall in '07 McCain was down in the low 'teens in his poll numbers. He kinda shot out of nowhere in the last little bit.

Perry may be the flavor of the month. It remains to be seen whether he will be a staying factor. But he's certainly further out in front of the pack than anyone else.

The Tea Party is receiving a lot of vilification regarding racial issues. What are your thoughts?
I think the Left's favorite thing to use is the race card. Every once in a while, when it backfires on them, they'll let it gather dust for a while and then pull it back out.

When they start accusing the Tea Party, and start calling them racist, America does a double take.

When your argument has no merit, that's when you have to use the ad hominem attack.

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