Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brain Trust - Kevin McCullough

 Kevin McCullough is the nationally syndicated host of "The Kevin McCullough Show" & "Baldwin/McCullough Radio". His newest book, "No He Can't", is available here.

What did we learn from the Iowa Straw Poll?
I think one thing we learned is that the Republican voters are looking for people who really embrace some libertarian, small government, socially conservative viewpoints.

I think that you're going to see a big three-way contest with Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina between Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Michelle Bachmann.

What do you think about Pawlenty dropping out of the race?
I think Pawlenty did the right thing.

It's very hard to dig into a credit card to pay for a campaign when you're running that campaign on trying to balance the national economy.

I think he'll be a very good ally to whoever gets the Republican nomination.

Is there going to be anything in Rick Perry's background that could sink his campaign ship?
I don't know his background all that well.

I suspect, of course, that people will come forward with crazy stories about all kinds of stuff.

What really matters isn't who he used to be, it's about who he is now.

One thing Gov. Perry has going for him is that he recognizes that the job issue really is the biggest problem.

Obama's approval rating is at 39 right now. Will it go up or down?
I think it could fluctuate either way, depending on what happens.

This bus tour that he's on is costing millions of dollars that taxpayers are paying.

Fixing the recession and creating jobs has not been a priority for this current administration.
What are your thoughts on Bachmann getting all the religious questions?
I have a lot of respect for Byron York. I think he's one of the best minds in conservative writing.

But I thought that his question to Michelle Bachmann was one of the lowest points I've ever seen in a presidential debate.

It don't think it was right that it was asked to her at all.

To single her out in that way was really beneath what Fox News and Byron have always been about.

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