Friday, August 5, 2011

Drilling for oil will create jobs and lower gas prices

Rob Bluey, director of the Center for Media and Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation, talks gas prices and jobs.

You say that we have someone to blame for these high gas prices!
It doesn't have to be this way, Matt.

Two things that stand out: President Obama received a lot of plaudits for tapping the strategic oil reserve...the gas prices are even higher now.

The second the lack of oil production coming out of the Gulf of Mexico.

That's significant, because if they're not exploring and looking for oil now, it has an impact 7-10 years down the road.
Besides lower gas prices, how will more oil drilling help?
The oil and gas industries are ready to produce these jobs.

If the interior department would simply approve these permits, I think that you would see a massive increase of jobs in this industry.

These are jobs all across the country.

A number of things that the president could do right away.

It's been over a year since they plugged the hole in the Gulf of Mexico where the oil was leaking.
Is there anyway to get the president to turn around in regards to oil production?
Obama put people in place that are carrying out an agenda that advances the environmental left's agenda.

I'm all about developing renewable, alternative sources of energy. But let's not shut down the industry that's producing the jobs.

The less drilling that's taking the place, it means the smaller amount of money coming to the government.
This isn't just a presidential administration that's trying to guide us into an environmental age....we're paying the price!
There's a significant number of people out there looking for work.

The last thing they need to be doing is $3.70 or more for gas.

Alaska - so many untapped resources there.
Let's talk about that jobs report. What does this tell us?
June was a very dismal report.

The 117,000 that were created in July is better.

Please remember that this is below the number of jobs that need to be created to keep up with population growth.

Definitely a better report than less month, but still not at the rate we need to be to produce jobs in this country.
Put aside the oil thing. What else could you do to produce jobs?
I'm a firm believer that we're stuck in a regulatory recession.

The pace that this administration is creating new regulation is putting so many costs on employers that they don't have incentive to create jobs.

Take a serious look on the regulations that are out there.

Frankly, there's a lot of uncertainty.
This president came in saying he wanted to be a transformational president. Has he been that?
Transformational in the way he's transforming Washington into a big government approach to every problem.

Definitely transformative in having a big government philosophy to America.

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