Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brain Trust - David Christensen, Family Research Council

David Christensen:  Family Research Council, Senior Director of Congressional Affairs

What is Obama doing about the Planned Parenthood scandal?
Frankly, I'm not sure what the Obama administration is doing. The House Republicans led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood last week. The House passed an amendment to prevent any govenrment funding to Planned Parenthood.

Unfortunately, a number of the pro-choice Democrats adamantly defended Planned Parenthood.

They killed 324,000 babies in a year. Enough is enough.

A lot of people suggest that this bill is dead upon arrival in the senate. is it worth it to pass it?
Absolutely. The House and the Senate are ultimately accountable to the people.
And I think it's important that the people are able to cast their vote in this issue. Americans need to let their senators know enough is enough, no funding for Planned Parenthood.

There's also the conscience protection problems that we've been seeing among healthcare workers. On Friday, the Obama administration reversed the conscience protection measures that the Bush administration put into place.

Talk to me some more about this conscience protection.
This is not about even private discrimination. This has to do with government discrimination.

If you're a doctor or a nurse, they may try to  force you to participate in an abortion. These are major issues. Healthcare workers who choose not to participate in an abortion have a right to do that.

There's a bill called the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act. There's the Protect Life Act, which  would remove federal funding for abortion under Obamacare.

If you support these kinds of bills, you need to let your representatives know.

Chris Christie: pro-life or not?
He doesn't really let his public position be known as far as abortion.

He did defund Planned Parenthood in New Jersey. We applauded him for doing that. There was an appeal to let Planned Parenthood back into funding, and he vetoed that.

He's clearly not a pro-abortion governor, or he wouldn't have defunded Planned Parenthood

Are Personhood amendments in various states important?
Yes. They are important for the goal of protection the inherent life of all humans, including the unborn.

We think they're important to educate the poeple.

We do support carefully crafted amendments, since some of them aren't as carefully crafted as they could be as far as cloning and other matters.

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