Friday, February 11, 2011

Brain Trust: James Carafano, Heritage Foundation

Did Mubarak's announcement that he won't step down surprise you?

And I may be the only out here who can say that, since the director of the CIA said that he would step down.

Here's the problem. They're so fixated on trying to pretend they're on top of events, they've kind of lost the ability to see.

Adjectives fail to describe the White House's response to the crisis in Egypt, but "inept" would be a good start.

What should the White House have done?
Primarily what the people of Egypt really want is economic freedom.

Egypt is a large population, a very young population...what they really want is jobs, fair prices, and food on the table.

If you look at Egypt, they're ranked as a country that's mostly unfree.

What I really fault the administration for is to myopically focus on what the media is focusing on.

This has now become largely a situation that will be determined by the military.

They don't want to have to crack down on violence, because that would hurt their credibility.

The other thing you have to worry about is if factions of the military start to go in different directions.

This isn't going to be over in a New York minute. We're not even at the end of the beginning. It's just not something that will be over by the six o'clock news.

They've spent all their time playing patty cake with Iran.

They've squandered two years of leadership.

And the president wants to focus solely on domestic issues.

Do you get scared about people want to cut military?

I do and it's very disappointing.

Defense is not a burden on this society.

Defense spending is at a near historic post-WW2 low.

If you took defense spending to zero, it wouldn't solve the long-term federal deficit of this country.

So yeah, we've got real fiscal problems in this country..but you don't solve them by cutting defense.

Someone's going to come at us. If you're not ready, you're going to pay the butcher's bill.

The Constitution says more about the requirement of the federal government to defend us than any other thing.

This is the first and arguably the only requirement for government to defend us and provide security.

There are people who say we should just stay home and do nothing. We did that, and the results are (Pearl Harbor) and (9/11).

America going down the ladder in Index of Economic Freedom - tell us anything?

America is no longer the land of the free. In terms of the economy, we're the land of the mostly free.

We're losing our economic freedoms, not gaining them. That's a prescription for disaster.

Great civilizations didn't collapse from without. It wasn't invaders...they collapsed from within because they got fat, lazy, lost their virtue, and allow their economies to stagnate.

You look around the world at the countries that are doing well and they're climbing the ladder of economic freedom..

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