Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brain Trust: Hunter Baker, Union University

Dr. Hunter Baker is the Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences at Union University, author at The End of Secularism, blogger at First Things and the 2011 winner of the Novak Award @ The Acton Institute.

Mess in Egypt. Is it looking brighter?

I am not very confident. The implication is, well we've had a revolution, everything is great, let's get on with life.

This happened in Iran in '79.

In Egypt now we have a nation that is under military control. And, you have the Muslim Brotherhood sitting in the background as an obvious political organizer.

They have an agenda, which includes reestablishing the Caliphate, which also restores Sharia law.

Do you appreciate president's leadership on Egypt?
I was watching Niall Ferguson talking about this...he said the White House was caught by surprise by this.

The Israelis have been preparing for this..we have not.

That may explain why it was sort of a random affair.

As far as the Middle East...I'm nervous.

Egypt has been a country that we have been closely involved with. We have given them quite a bit of that becomes an X factor.

Does Obama have Republicans right where he wants them on the budget?
The submission of his budget is really disappointing.

In president Obama's defense, he did not take over an America that he wanted.

On the domestic front he really wanted to increase spending, to increase taxes. His problem is his dream has met with reality.

Instead of stepping out and leading, he is playing this political game of kind of submitting this budget like there really isn't a problem.

Should governor of New Jersey Chris Christie run for the presidency now?
That is such a difficult question. On the one hand you can't help but be excited...he just takes the issues on in a very blunt fashion.

This guy is not a rich, white, Republican country-club guy. I would prefer that he stays in the governor's seat for one more term.

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