Thursday, November 3, 2011

Brain Trust - Phil Bryant

Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant came on The Matt Friedeman Show to talk about Initiative 26 and the presidential campaign. Below are the "CliffsNotes" of his segment.

Tell us about the opposition to Initiative 26.
What our adversaries do is use the worst possible examples. I had a man ask me the other day, "What if a ten year old got raped?"

I was offended by that question. That you would use the rape of a ten year old girl to win a political battle, which is what he was trying to do.
Do you think the initiative will pass?
I do believe it will be successful.

I believe this is a battle of biblical proportions. I believe Christians need to step out and make their voices heard.

I can tell you, this is a battle where God puts you in a position and says, "Will you stand for me?"
Do you have any pressure on you not to touch this issue?
Every day people will tell me to stay out of this, and stick to the job creation problem.

That's the way the Democrats always try to spin this, is that we have "more important" things to worry about.

I cannot imagine what would be more important than stopping the murder of innocent babies.
If this fails to pass, what could a Republican governor do to work against abortion?
That's why we're working so hard to elect Republican governors throughout the nation.

Republican governors can help pass legislation to make abortions more difficult.

I think that being able to speak out with passion about the lives of those children is crucial.

We could kill a child legally in the United States at 7, 8, 9 months, without a trial or the child being able to defend himself.
What are your thoughts on the presidential race?
It is dangerous to be the front-runner, because the media automatically targets that person.

It astounds me that now that we have a African-American front-runner in the Republican race, you don't hear the media talking about how forward-leaning the GOP is.

The media wants to pick the nominee for the Republican party, and that would be the nominee they think Barack Obama can beat.

And at this point, I think that's Mitt Romney.

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