Monday, June 27, 2011

Brain Trust - Katie Pavlich

Katie Pavlich, news editor for, on the Matt Friedeman Show, talked up current political events, especially Bachmann news.

Bachmann neck and neck with Romney in Iowa. Is this a shock?
I don't think this is a shock.

The grassroots is really what matters, so yes, money wins elections, but grassroots support also wins election.
It seems like Bachmann is doing everything right.
I think people will get another feel for her.

I think she will continue to surge.
Do you think she actually has a shot at winning?
Obviously it depends on who gets into the race.

I do think that she'll do well going forward.

She has a doctorate degree in federal tax law, and she's for small government.
Put yourself in Bachmann's shoes. When Wallace asked her if she was a flake, how would you respond?
I thought the way that he treated her in that interview was pretty disrespectful.

I felt like that was something he wouldn't have asked Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich.

Hopefully next time he can refrain from using that kind of language.
What should Bachmann learn from Palin and the media?
She said that she understands how this works.

She said she understands that she will be scrutinized. And I think that's a good thing.

We get to see a well-rounded view of issues in the background, unlike the president we have now.
Do conservative women get the shaft?
Oh absolutely. I  think there's a definite double-standard there.

It's just a reality we all deal with it.
Jon Stewart made a claim that Fox News viewers were moronic.
Jon Stewart tried to go on Fox News and say that all the polls showed fox News viewers were the most uninformed.

Politifact, a Pullitzer winning website actually showed that Fox News viewers were the most informed.

It's pretty interesting.
In the interview, Stewart wasn't even challenged on his claim.
I don't know if Chris Wallace just didn't have all the data or what.

I don't know if Jon Stewart will accept that data or not.
We've found out that Pelosi feels left out of the debt talks.
I don't think it's necessary for her to be in the debt talks.

I think that she really wants that gavel back, and I think she feels kind of left out.
What's the impact of the news about Hugo Chavez being in critical condition?
I personally think if he passed on, it wouldn't be the worst thing for the people of Venezuela.

I'm not really sure what would happen if he passed on.

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