Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Brain Trust - Janice Crouse

Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, former Bush speechwriter, columnist, and Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, was featured on the Matt Friedeman Show's Brain Trust segment. Dr. Crouse talked about the recent "slutwalks" that have been going on in dozens of cities.

What in the world are slutwalks?
Several months ago in Toronto, a policeman was talking to a group of students, and said they should watch how they dressed, because it could cause rape.

So they started what they called a "slutwalk".

It spread to 75, and then a 100, cities around the world are holding these demonstrations.

Feminists are using this as their new mantra.

Well my article says, no. It's not blaming the victim to say to young people that you have to be careful and not put yourself in harm's way.

I think that's good advice for all people. That doesn't mean it's a victim's fault if she's raped.
Do feminists even care about our pornifying and oversexualizing culture?
Well there's a whole group of them who do.

Any time you're sexifying, pornifying our culture, you're objectifying women.

I think a lot of people today, Matt, don't understand today's pornography.

The pornography today is not playboy and simple nudity.

Pornography today is way beyond Playboy, it's way beyond Cosmo.
Our young people right now are getting a lot of confused messages.
Anthony Weiner should resign.

He was so arrogant, he was so condescending to a reporter.

When I first came to Washington, my boss lied to me.

I just stood there astounded, because I couldn't believe he was lying, knowing that I knew he was lying.

When you have a guy like a congressman carrying on the kind of dirty talk he was carrying on.....for a congressman to carry on like that with's beyond believable.

For him to lie about it, he's lost the trust of the public.
If you're a real feminist, you think you'd stand up to this guy.
This is the thing that's so contradictory about the far Left.

Nancy Pelosi is no friend of women. Secretary Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk when it comes to protecting women.
Have feminists lost all credibility?
Young college women do not want to be identified with the feminist movement, even though they have absorbed the feminist values.

We had a huge conference of feminists not long ago....they were all older.

In contrast you go to the March for Life and find that the overwhelming majority of the people there are young people.

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