Monday, May 23, 2011

Presidential Campaign Interview: Rick Santorum

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum came on the Matt Friedeman Show to discuss his views on the issues facing our nation. A former senator and father of seven, Santorum brings a refreshing emphasis on social issues to the table.
While he hasn't officially declared his candidacy yet, you can learn more about Rick Santorum at his website.
You've got seven children! Congratuatlions. What is it about this country that most scares you about their future? 
Well that's actually one of the reasons I'm out here doing what I'm doing.
If you look at what's happening in Washington DC it's really something different than ever before.
I'm particularly alarmed at Obamacare.
Margaret Thatcher said the reason she failed and Reagan succeeded is the British national healthcare system.
Once we depend on the government, then freedom is lost.
I'm waiting for someone to bring their problem to a presidential candidate, and have that candidate tell them that the government shouldn't help.
This idea that the government will take care of everyone's problems is just not realistic.
My grandad worked in the coal mines digging coal until he was 72, but the difference between what's going on in the rest of the world and in America is freedom. 
What kind of candidate will it take to defeat Barack Obama in 2012
I think it's somebody who can paint a positive vision of what we can be like.
What we need is someone who believes in us, instead of someone who wants us to believe in him.
Why are so many Republicans scared of dealing with the social issues? 
I frankly don't know why, but they are.
You don't see many people talking about social issues; I do.
We're a group of people who believe in certain things.
We are endowed by our creator with rights. We are subjects of a sovereign...we are involved here in a moral enterprise.
We're not here to see how much money we can make...our purpose is a moral one.
You can't have a successful economy unless you have successful families. 
You probably disagree with a lot of what the president has done in the past two years. What are a few of his actions - legislative or otherwise - that you agree with?
The only thing he's done that I can think of that I commend him on is a couple of things on the international front Bush did.
He's kept Gitmo open which was important. Really other than that, everything he's done on the federal level, is to drive up debt. 
Paul Ryan has offered a plan to reform Social Security and medicare. Do you agree with Ryan's Road Map for America?
I do. I support it wholeheartedly. The only problem is it doesn't go far enough fast enough.
If the leader of a country says this isn't necessary...of course you want to  believe it. But it's not true. It's a lie!
We need to have leaders who will stand up there and paint a picture of what's going to happen.
It's the duty of every American to leave the country better than when we found it. 
Last week the president stirred up a lot of controversy over the US's stance toward Israel. You have extensive experience in US-Israeli relations. What approach should America take, towards Israel and peace in the Middle East?
It was completely slap in the face to the people of Israel, and our best ally in the world.
If you are an ally of America, it seems now, watch out. If you were one of America's friends, I guess you're just as wrong as America. 

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