Friday, October 7, 2011

Live from the Values Voter Summit - Star Parker

Star Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE). She joined The Matt Friedeman Show live from the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. Here are the "CliffsNotes" of her interview.

Is there enough emphasis on poverty?
I think the Values Voter Summit and the people attending are a clear example of what to do
These are just the decent people from communities all over America. 
There is some emphasis on being an example. The emphasis isn't as broad as I would like, but that's why I'm here.
How bad is it for America?
It's not good at all. In my column this week, I'm addressing that issue. 
Family values have eroded in our country. People go very quickly to government.
I myself got caught up in that trap, and spent seven years in and out of welfare. 
How did you get out of that "trap"?
I met some Christian people who confronted my lifestyle, and told me it wasn't pleasing to God.
It got my attention, even though I didn't want to confront myself about what I was doing. 
Then I went to church and heard the gospel, and I accepted it. I started on the journey to have a biblical worldview in my life.
What should Christian ministries be doing?
They need to be fighting with us to remove the government from those peoples' lives. 
What happens is that we have ministers and ministries who have bought into the idea that the redistribution of wealth is Christian.
 We have to get them to understand that the government has no role in this relationship.
How can we fix the fatherlessness problem?
Get the government out of charity works.
We pay people to have children out of wedlock. There is a message of sexual revolution, coupled with the war on poverty. 
We're telling people that they can do whatever they want sexually, and then we'll pay for the consequences.
What happens when you raise children in single-headed households is that the child learns that commitment is not necessary. 
Who is the strongest presidential candidate on these issues?
I think there's a little bit of all of it in one or two of them. 
We are at a crosspoint in our history. We can't go on like this. We are either going to be a moral, free, responsible people, or we're not. 

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