Thursday, October 27, 2011

Brain Trust - Matt Barber

Matt Barber is Director of Cultural Affairs with Liberty Counsel and also serves as Associate Dean with Liberty University School of Law. He joined the Brain Trust segment of the show to discuss several current issues. Here are the "CliffsNotes" of his segment.

Why is Occupy Wall Street perceived more favorably than the Tea Party?
It's because we have a massive mainstream media that has embraced this anarchist vision that the Occupy Wall Street mob seeks to impose by their lawless behavior.

The media is portraying them as freedom fighters, the next civil rights movement. But I don't recall rapes happening at Tea Party events.

It's an increase of left-wing radicalism that's happening around the world.
Is the Tea Party still alive and well?
I think the Tea Partyers are waiting in the wings, biding their time as we approach the next election.

I think they will come out of the woodwork as an organized cogent answer to this Occupy Wall Street mess that we're seeing.

[Occupy Wall Street's philosophy] didn't work in Communist Russia; it didn't work in Nazi Germany; it's not going to work in the United States.
Does the Republican nomination inevitably go to Romney?
I hope not. Speaking as an individual, I have to say look at the mainstream media, and see who their pick is. Who does the Obama Administration want to run against?

It's Romney. I think it's because they recognize that he is that establishment Republican who will keep them in the White House.

I don't think it's inevitable, though.
Does Cain have any staying power?
I've seen a Fox News poll that has Cain several points ahead of Romney.

The game is still very much on. Herman Cain seems to continue to defy all the odds.
Do we give Obama credit for eliminating bin Laden and Gaddafi?
I guess there's some credit due, but I was opposed to his circumventing Congress and illegally go into Libya and get Gaddafi.

Sure, there's a certain element of credit that has to go to him because he happens to occupy the position of commander in chief.

But really, the credit goes to our fighting men and women who are getting the job done.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with his points, but I think it is very very important that we conservatives don't get too overconfident with Cain, Romney, or whomever our candidate ends up being. Oabam is a formidable force on television with his teleprompter. He smoked us 3 years ago and we need to remember that. Sure, he smoked McCain, but he still pulled it off. He came out of nowhere in Chicago, went to the Senate and then leaped into the Oval Office like a gazelle. We need to remember that. We need to spend time reviewing 2008. We need to remind ourselves that the machine behind Obama is very smart and powerful. We need to keep our A-Game sharp or else we'll lose again and an second term Obama is unthinkable.
